Health Equity & Diverse Workforce: Dr. Nicole Del Castillo's Vision

"It's really important that we try and engage folks again from different cultures, different identities, different backgrounds in order to make that rich workforce and learning environment for our learners and our employees."

Driven by her passion for health equity, Dr. Nicole Del Castillo embarks on a mission to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all at the Carver College of Medicine, only to discover an ironic twist - mistreatment of employees and learners in the clinical environment.
In this episode, you will be able to: 1. Discover the key to health equity by exploring diverse healthcare workforces and policies. 2. Uncover how addressing social determinants directly impacts individual health. 3. Unlock the power of mentorship and community connections in the quest for health equity. 4. Learn the secret to maintaining overall wellness through a balanced approach to physical and mental health. 5. Master the art of integrating healthy habits, stress reduction, and exercise into your everyday life.

Dr. Nicole Del Castillo

Dr. Nicole Del Castillo is a passionate healthcare professional committed to addressing health equity through a diverse healthcare workforce and policies. As the director of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the Carver College of Medicine, her work focuses on creating an inclusive environment for students, faculty, and patients. Dr. Del Castillo is also a clinical assistant professor at The Healthy Project, where she shares her knowledge and expertise in psychiatry and health policy. With a fellowship in The Healthy Project from Harvard, she has honed her skills to better understand and address social determinants of health and health disparities. Dr. Del Castillo is excited to connect with others working towards health equity and inspire healthcare professionals seeking innovative solutions.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:58 - Health Equity,
00:03:01 - Creating Inclusivity,
00:08:18 - Health Disparities,
00:13:00 - Addressing Health Disparities,
00:18:23 - Wrapping Up,
00:00:40 - Introduction,
00:02:30 - Overcoming Mental Health Stigma,
00:09:15 - Coping with Anxiety and Stress,
00:14:20 - Importance of Self-Care,

Join us on Friday, April 28, 2023, to hear from Dr. Nicole Del Castillo and share her insights and wisdom on how we can all work together to advance health equity.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and grow! Register now at 💻

Health Equity & Diverse Workforce: Dr. Nicole Del Castillo's Vision
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